Please note: We will be open from 8 AM to 2 PM on Tuesday, December 24th and will remain closed on Wednesday, December 25th for Christmas!

Pet Information

We know how tough it can be to find trustworthy information on the internet. We’ve compiled helpful resources that are veterinarian-approved.

Puppy Guidelines

A guide to the first year of your puppy’s life.

Kitten Guidelines

A guide to the first year of your kitten’s life.

Caring for Senior Pets

Pets seven years old and over need special care and attention.

Household Hazards

A guide to common items found around the house that may be hazardous to your pet’s health.

Pet First Aid

A guide to basic first aid for your pet from the American Animal Hospital Association.

Brushing your pet's teeth

A guide to brushing your pet’s teeth.

Bandage Care

If your pet has a bandage in place, it needs to be monitored closely.

Feline Elimination Disorders

A guide to understanding feline elimination disorders. These guidelines should be followed under the supervision of your veterinarian.